Head of the Laboratory: Full professor Davor Grgić, PhD
Deputy head: Full professor Nikola Čavlina, PhD
Laboratory location: Room D239 / Department of Energy and Power Systems
The Laboratory for Nuclear Energy and Safety brings together researchers from the Department of Energy and Power System, as well as external associates of the Department. The activities of the laboratory are focused on scientific-research and technical analyses, as well as education in the field of nuclear energy and nuclear safety. Employees of this Laboratory have gained experience and references through international projects in the field of: analysis and development of new reactor systems, application of computer codes in safety analyses, safety and reliability assessments of nuclear power plants, as well as technical and economic analyses of the nuclear option. The Laboratory has computer resources and a number of relevant computer codes for safety analyses of the standalone nuclear reactor and the entire power plant.
Nuclear energy is a low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels for baseload electricity generation because it does not emit greenhouse gases into the environment. Another important advantage is the significantly higher capacity factor and predictability compared to alternative energy sources. It is also characterized by a lower price of produced electricity due to the low price of fuel and the small share of the fuel price in the production price. Fuel availability is not subject to major or rapid changes. Nuclear energy significantly contributes to energy independence and security of electricity supply.